Transcripts for each podcast episode are written as blog posts here. Lookin for a specific episode or term? Use the search bar below:
America Keeps the Status Quo
This month’s post is a rant reflecting the feelings of nihilism I’ve been feeling since the 2024 election.
Western Esotericism
Western Esotericism is the new focus of this podcast. Let’s explore the basics of this field of study.
Why People Reject Science
In this blog post, I explore the reasons people disregard science over their own ingrained beliefs.
Hellenistic Astrology
An introduction into astrology and its importance. We start off during the Hellenistic period of Ancient Greece.
New Direction Defined
For this month's blog post, I explain my philosophical journey so far.
What is Resilience? - Strength Card
The strength card represents our ability to withstand hardships and adversity. This is also known as resilience. In this episode I explore the misconceptions of this word and why it’s so important today.
Finding Your Path Again
In this episode we explore the Chariot card and how it feels to be on the right path versus feeling lost. We also explore how this relates to an emotional crisis and what to do.
The 7 Types of Love, Part 2
In this final episode on Love, I discuss the 3 types of romantic love and the important of separating fantasy from reality.
The 7 Types of Love, Part 1
In this first episode on Love, I discuss the 4 types of platonic love and the important of self-awareness and honesty.
Finding Yourself When You Feel Lost
When we are having a major issue in our life or going through a transition, it’s best to reach out to others for help. However, there are caveats to consider when doing so.
Understanding Empowerment
The Emperor in Tarot represents empowerment. Empowerment is the other side of self-care. It is one of those easily misunderstood concepts especially when considering it on a more societal scale. Join me as I explore this concept in a deeper way in this episode.
The True Meaning of Self-Care
Some of us may have misconceptions when it comes to self-care. Let’s explore the true meaning and the nuances of it. This is represented by the Empress tarot card, as part of the Life Journey Series.
Spirituality Versus Psychology
I explain the difference between spirituality and psychology, and how they both affect our lives on a deeper level. This episode is the basis of this podcast.
The Truth About Intuition
Some people confuse intuition with preconceived bias. This can aid in discrimination such as homophobia, racism, and misogyny. Let’s explore how to tell the difference and why it’s important.
A Deep Look at Willpower
Willpower is important when implementing changes in our lives. Let’s took a deeper look at what this means.
Starting a New Journey
There are two things to consider when starting a new change in life. First in my Life’s Journey series.
New Novel Update
I’m finally finished with the first draft of me next novel. Here’s what i learned from the process.
Why I Got Rid of My Last Novel
Here’s why I decided to not publish a story I was finished writing.